Welcome to SpiceWorx
From Asia to the World
SpiceWorx is a Japan-Philippine business partnership expert. We provide cross cultural leadership development and organizational development workshops, custom research, consulting, advisory and interpreter services.
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Leadership Development
Harness the power of diversity to succeed. Build successful Japan-Philippine business partnership and teams by enabling effective cross-cultural communication and leadership within your organization through highly customizable and engaging active learning programs by SpiceWorx.
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Consulting and Advisory Services
SpiceWorx is behind numerous alliances, outsourcing partnerships and government assistances between Japan and the Philippines. SpiceWorx provides valuable data, intelligence, insights and advisory to help Japanese companies search, identify and explore partnerships with the Philippine based companies.
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Custom Research Services
Leveraging our database, deep knowledge, expertise, wide network and mobility in the Philippines, SpiceWorx provides customized research and study about the Philippine market, industry, companies and business environment for government agencies and private companies to help them make intelligent decisions.
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Our Services
Who We Are

SpiceWorx is an expert on Japan - Philippine business partnerships. We provide research, consulting, advisory, interpreter services, and a variety of trainings and workshops in the areas of cross-cultural leadership development and mindfulness in business. SpiceWorx envisions to become the catalyst of fair, sustainable and win-win-win businesses under Japan-Philippine partnership.
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SpiceWorx offers the "Possible World Game” for Sustainability Awareness, Leadership Development, and Team Building
Date: Oct 28, 2021Looking for virtual team building, a leadership workshop, or a fun and engaging way of raising awareness about sustainability in your organization? Look no further! SpiceWorx facilitates a great multi-player online game that guides the participants to collectively cultivate possibilities for transforming themselves and the world. [Show more]The game is called the Possible World Game.
The Possible World Game is great for virtual team building (no geographical boundaries), leadership development workshops, and raising awareness about sustainability, and inspiring action among the members of your organization.
The game session takes approximately 4 hours using Zoom and browser, including getting to know, instructions, practice, the actual game, reflection, debriefing, and breaks.
Here are some responses from the people who experienced the game.“Despite cooperation, a broken system doesn’t deliver the desired result.”
"The game makes you realize how the individual choices that you make in your private life every day influence the state of the world.”
"I noticed that I need to mix both the collective goal and my individual goal for it to be a real win-win by using my strengths, my expertise, and my passion.”
"It is more important in my mind to help the majority of people than for a few to gain lots of wealth.“
Contact SpiceWorx for more information and our facilitation service. (Can you make the Contact SpiceWorx clickable and launch email?)
SpiceWorx designed a Japan-Philippine Collaboration for Leadership Development and Sustainability
Date: April 6, 2021SpiceWorx is working together with Farmvocacy, Solar Hope, and Silid Aralan, Philippine based NPOs/Social Enterprises, for leadership development and sustainability in a 3-week online international collaboration program between Japan and the Philippines. [Show more]Designed by SpiceWorx, the program is coming up in June 2021. A Manila-based design firm On-Off Group will be on board to facilitate the design sprint, which is a key component of this program. (Read more from here)
SpiceWorx to Co-Host GAIA GAYA Session #6 for SDGs Dialogue
Date: August 12, 2020SpiceWorx will be co-hosting GAIA GAYA Session #6 on Friday, August 21, 2020 from 9:00am to 11:00am Philippine time (GMT +8) on Zoom together with the Learning Nation Foundation, Inc., The Rizal Academy for Innovation and Leadership (TRAIL), Human Capital Asia, Inc., and Full Value Contract Co. [Show more]Join our dialogue on leading sustainability initiatives. Tickets are available from Eventbrite. Anybody is welcome to join GAIA GAYA for free! If you wish to support GAIA GAYA making SDGs everybody's business, you may choose to pay too. GAIA GAYA brings the power of professional facilitation expertise and experience in business, education and public sectors in the Philippines for the service of creating a more sustainable world. We appreciate your support!
Become more aware, pledge your action and start collaboration for SDGs!
Online Cross-Cultural Briefing for Japanese Expats Working From Home
Date: August 3, 2020SpiceWorx recently conducted a 2-module customized online briefing on Japanese-Filipino cross cultural communication for a team of Japanese expats currently working from home both in Japan and the Philippines. [Show more]By the end of the workshop, each participant formulated their individual behavioral change plan for better communication and collaboration with their Filipino colleagues, customers and partners. SpiceWorx can conduct such cross cultural communication and leadership learning sessions online for Japanese, Filipino and also mixed attendees.
You can download a brochure for Japanese session and English session . Contact SpiceWorx today!
Online Workshop: Cross Cultural Communication when Doing Business with Japanese
Date: July 22, 2020Does your business require your employees to communicate with Japanese partners, counterparts, customers and/or colleagues? Then, this online cross cultural communication workshop is for you! (Download the workshop brochure from here. ) [Show more]Learn the essentials of working with Japanese in business, from a Japanese facilitator who has been helping Japan-Philippine businesses for over 20 years in her own company, in industry association and with government.
SpiceWorx’s Online Cross Cultural Briefing (on Zoom)
Date: July 17, 2020SpiceWorx offers a 3-module online briefing on cross-cultural communication and life in the Philippines, for Japanese companies starting business with Philippine counterparts and/or Japanese expats assigned to the Philippines. (Download Japanese brochure from here. ) [Show more]This online briefing covers, basic information about the country, cross-cultural communication basics and differences in communication style, Filipino values, cultures, history, motivation and de-motivation factors, tips for living in the Philippines and some social manners and etiquettes. Currently available in Japanese language for Japanese companies and expats. English package is coming up soon.
SpiceWorx’s Action for SDGs through GAIA GAYA
Date: July 9, 2020Open YouTube video SpiceWorx is part of the founding core team of GAIA GAYA a platform of making SDGs everybody's business, together with The Rizal Academy for Innovation and Leadership, Learning Nation Foundation, Inc., and Human Capital Asia, Inc. GAIA GAYA was born out of U.Lab 2x 2020 program of Presencing Institute. To know what GAIA GAYA is, please watch this video. [Show more]GAIA GAYA is a bi-weekly Zoom session to provide the space for:
1. Learning from people who have started their sustainability initiatives;
2. Cultivating our sustainability awareness;
3. Activating intention and action both individually and collectively.;
4. Connecting initiatives and building community for collaboration and co-creation of a sustainable future.Anyone who is involved in, interested in, or wanting to learn more about the sustainability and SDGs initiatives in the Philippines are welcome to join.
The 2030 SDGs Game with a Certified Facilitator at SpiceWorx
Date: March 3, 2020SpiceWorx have facilitated the SDGs workshops for students from Japan and the Philippines in 2018 and 2019. Now in 2020, we have a powerful tool and framework to raise awareness for SDGs and trigger actions. [Show more]The 2030 SDGs Game (https://2030sdgsgame.com/) developed by Imacocollabo of Japan, is a multi-player, in-person card game that simulates taking the “real world” into the year 2030. Over 150,000 people have played the game around the world to date, including at the United Nations in New York in 2019. What will the condition of the world look like, when game players create as a result of their actions based on various different values and goals? And what can you learn about ourselves from it?
SpiceWorx is excited to facilitate this inspiring, insightful and thought provoking game for as many people as possible! SpiceWorx has one of the very first certified facilitators of the game in the Philippines and network with the global community of facilitators.
Contact SpiceWorx to inquire how you can bring this game and amazing learning experience to your company, school and community.
To learn more about the 2030 SDGs Game, access Imacocollabo’s official site.
Japanese Style Business Manner Workshop for Science Park of the Philippines, Inc.
Date: October 8, 2019Science Park of the Philippines, Inc., one of the pioneers and leaders in private industrial estate development in the Philippines, tapped SpiceWorx for Cross Cultural Communication and Japanese Style Business Manners workshop [Show more]As the company expects and prepares for expansion of partnership with Japanese companies in their industrial parks, 27 Filipino members of the company learned about basic frameworks of cross cultural communication, various facts, values and cultures of Japan, Japanese business practices and manners facilitated by Team SpiceWorx. -
Mindful Leadership with Emotional Intelligence Workshop
Date: September 19, 2019SpiceWorx facilitates half day or one day workshop on Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Business Leadership. Mindfulness and EQ are critical practice and skills for 21st century leaders.
Cross Cultural Workshop w/ UN SDG Theme
Date: August 27, 2019Cross Cultural Exposure Program for Japanese University students with the theme revolving around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Done in collaboration with successful social enterprises and one of the top universities in the Philippines.

Why Choose Us?
- 18 years Expertise in Japan-Philippine business partnerships.
- Values greater good beyond self gain
- Earned high satisfaction rating from training participants (Average 4.7 out of 5.0)
- Produced more than 1,600 multi-national graduates working around the world.
- Adopts mindfulness and awareness based approach in every engagement.
- Trusetd by Japanese government agencies and prominent multinational companies.
- Provides highly capable Japanese-English-Filipino interpreters for high profile meetings